Rozdíl mezi realitou a fikcí je mnohdy nepatrný, téměř nerozeznatelný. Ne vše je pozorovatelné z jakéhokoliv místa, úhel a vzdálenost pohledu na věc může odhalit, či zamlžit její podstatu. Jednoduchá manipulace obrazu prostřednictvím pixelizace odhaluje jeho rafinovanost. Další z experimentů Aleše Loziaka v uměleckém výzkumu vztahu obrazu a diváka, pozorujícího a pozorovaného.
The difference between reality and fiction is often subtle, almost indistinguishable. Not everything is observable from any place, the angle and distance of looking at a thing can reveal or obscure its essence. The simple manipulation of the image through pixelation reveals its subtlety. Another of Aleš Loziak’s experiments in artistic research into the relationship between image and viewer, observer and observed.
Aleš Loziak is a PhD student at the Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem, and has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in the Czech Republic. He is an innovator in the field of creative industries and participates in the activities of a network for cultural development in the region called The theme of the transformation of the region from coal to art is his daily bread, and as director of the Public Hall Hraničář in Ústí nad Labem he strives to create opportunities for just such a transformation.